Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Dewey Dawner, the last

And with that, we say goodbye to our beloved St. Martin's art teacher, in this, the final FULL COLOR installment. Oh Dewey, how we hardly knew ye...


Wanders said...

I love that the last panel is yellow and black with an Ink Stain shadow on his face. That is just so true. But how can this be the end? I need to know how to register for my classes. Where else will I get the information??

Brianne K said...

Oh my god. I read Mary Worth, and this is just spot-on. You had me in stitches, especially with the awkward, impossible hand placement.

And yet, just like MW, I feel myself inexplicably drawn to Dewey's story! That I will never know what happens in "ART 101" is heartbreaking!