Friday, March 14, 2008


So, the Smash Bros. series have got to be some of my favorite games. I could play them until my eyes fall out of my skull, which I really hope they don't, because I CAN'T STAND THINGS HAPPENING TO PEOPLE'S EYES.
So anyway, like everyone else on the face of the earth, I was very excited for the release of Brawl, and acquired it as soon as I was able. IT'S SO FUCKIN' COOL! I can't wait to unlock everything! Sweet.
In terms of characters, I've been floating around a bit with my usage. Obviously there's something good to be had in every character, but so far some of my favorites include Pit, Kirby, Falco, Marth, Lucas, and Ike. At the moment, I think Ike is my numba' one guy, despite how cheap everyone thinks he is. He's slow. Really slow. But if you can get the timing down on his moves he's pretty terrific. Um, I guess I'm done being nerdy. I guess.


Anonymous said...

You make me want to like video games.

Anonymous said...

I agree about the eye thing. I hope you haven't seen Chumscrubber. :[

Ed Choy Moorman said...

things are going to happen to my eyes. eventually.